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Revised draft regional plan published

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31/08/2023 The Regional Plan

On 31 August 2023, we submitted our revised draft regional plan to Defra alongside our response to feedback received during the draft regional plan consultation which ran from November 2022 to February 2023.

This revised draft regional plan aligns with the revised draft plans of our six member companies, who have also submitted their revised draft plans and consultation response to Defra.

Southern Water plans a further targeted consultation on its revised draft plan due to some material changes and it is currently liaising with regulators to agree next steps and timing.

Our revised draft plan has been updated to reflect public feedback, changes to some of the schemes and to meet new Government targets for leakage, per capita consumption and business demand reduction.


The revised draft plan presents a forward-looking programme of investment for securing water supplies in the water stressed South East. It includes new sources, which will provide water to customers across the region through an extended network of new transfers and action to significantly reduce leaks and help customers lower their consumption.


Delivery of the plan is essential to address a shortfall in water of up to 2.7 billion litres per day by 2075. It will address the impact of the changing climate and population growth while making water supplies more resilient to drought and enabling more than 1 billion litres of water to be left in the region’s rivers and streams.

You can read our technical plan, summary document and consultation response in the documents library.

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